Update available
A new update is available for download for our PC software WPC InfoCenter.
The following changes were made last.
Added in the mask:
-> Popup menu, right mouse button expanded in mask.
Set mask to screen x
Hide and show mask
Improved in Style Jumping:
-> The basic note can now be appended to the final note in brackets for better display on in the result/ranking lists.
Additional selection option in result editing.
[x] Append basic note automatically
-> The final note is now optionally transferred to TORIS or, if the basic note is appended in brackets, the base note + penalty.
Saved to TORIS then takes place there in the lists also a better representation.
-> Added additional ranking by “value score” only, which is now active by default in style jumping.
So that point same competitors with different times on the same rank are placed. The time, if it is displayed, is only pure “cosmetics”.
Jumping test for young horses listed.
-> Added additional option in Judgment under Style Jumping and in Quick Setup under Program Mode.
Ranking list in the mask:
-> The function has an additional selection option under Properties/Result & Ranking Lists.
[x] if activated, show automatically
Here the operator can decide whether the ranking list is to be displayed each time times are saved or whether this should only be done manually by clicking the button.
-> Mode “Dressage together” and “Dressage separately” added.
-> For separate judgement a manual input option created in the result input.
-> H C M & B E can be entered.
The total number of points is calculated automatically.
Pressing the Enter button activates the next field automatically. Up to the button [Apply changes] and [Save result].
-> Manual percentage input option.
-> Automatic value transfer to TORIS for the values H C M & B E.
-> Dressage masks made usable. Local and client.
Message box in the starter list:
-> added some design options.
Server autostart problem fixed.
More information about the previous versions can be found in the history.txt inside the download .ZIP.